La diplomatie culturelle en Europe : un ouvrage de Caterina Carta
11 octobre 2019
Caterina Carta, professeure au Département de science politique et titulaire de la Chaire de recherche du Canada en diplomatie publique, codirige l'ouvrage Cultural Diplomacy in Europe. Between the Domestic and the International, publié chez Palgrave, avec Richard Higgott (University of Warwick et Vesalius College).
L'Union européenne tente de développer une stratégie de relations internationales culturelles pour renforcer l'intégration de ses membres, mais aussi pour compenser la disparition d'autres composantes de la politique extérieure. C'est ce qu'analysent Caterina Carta, Richard Higgott et leurs collaborateurs.
Résumé: This edited volume explores European cultural diplomacy, a topic of growing interest across the scholarly and applied public policy communities in recent years. The contributions focus on Europe, culture and diplomacy and the way they are interlinked in the contemporary international context. The European Union increasingly resorts to cultural assets and activity for both internal and external purposes, to foster European cohesion and advancing integration, and to mitigate the demise of other foreign policy components, respectively. This calls for an analysis of the strategic role of culture, especially as it relates to the realm of EU external action. The chapters provide a conceptual discussion of culture in international relations and examine how this concept relates to cultural diplomacy and cultural strategy. The authors discuss roles and relationships with the EU’s 2016 Global Strategy and current EU attempts to foster the EU’s political and societal resilience.