Regular member of ESEI
A full professor in the Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, Érick Duchesne is a member of Centre de Recherche en économie de l’Environnement, de l’Agroalimentaire, des Transports et de l’Énergie (CREATE, Research Centre on the Economics of the Environment, Agri-food, Transportation, and Energy).
Recent publications:
- Marie-Hélène Cantin et Érick Duchesne, 2019, ''Canada-United States agricultural trade under the shadow of NAFTA: liberalization, conflicts and challenges'', Canadian Foreign Policy Journal, 25:2, 137-151.
- Rodwan Abouharb et Érick Duchesne, 2019, ''Economic Development and the World Bank'', Social Sciences, 8-5.
- Yan Cimon, Érick Duchesne et Richard Ouellet, 2018, «Qui mène le bal ? Les nouvelles négociations économiques internationales à l’ère de la reconfiguration des espaces transatlantique et transpacifique», in Christian Deblock, et Joël Lebullenger (dir.), Génération TAFTA, Rennes, Les Presses de l’Université de Rennes, pp. 55-66.
- Duchesne Érick et Richard Ouellet, 2016, ''The EU and the US at the WTO'', in Jean-Frédéric Morin, Tereza Novotna, Frederic Ponjaert et Mario Telo (dir.), The Politics of Transatlantic Trade Negotiations. Routledge. pp.103-111.
- Frédérick Clerson, Annie Royer et Érick Duchesne, 2016, «Des quotas aux contrats : perceptions de la filière laitière suisse et analyse contractuelle», Économie rurale, 356: 69-84.
Research interests
- International political economics
- International negotiations
- Trade policies