Regular member of ESEI
Full Professor, Department of Geography, Faculty of Forestry, Geography, and Geomatics, Director of Conseil québécois d’études géopolitiques (CQEG, Québec Council for Geopolitical Studies)
Recent publications:
- Pic, P. et Lasserre, F. (2019). What is ‘Arctic’ about ‘Arctic security’? Arctic Yearbook 2019, 17 p.
- Mottet, É. et Lasserre, F. (2019). La Belt and Road Initiative, un projet viable ? Revue Internationale et Stratégique 115, 51-60.
- Lasserre, F. (2019). Le retour du mythe des passages arctiques : quel trafic maritime dans l'Arctique au XXIe siècle ? Nordiques 37, 9-24.
- Arapi, E. & Lasserre, F. (2019). Elementary Teacher’s Perceptions of Education Reforms in Albania. International Journal of Instruction, 12(3), en ligne,
- Lasserre, Frédéric et Stan, C. A. (2019). Guerres coloniales et commémoration : le cas des défaites occidentales. Enjeux de pouvoir sur des lieux de mémoire. L’Espace Politique, 36 | 2018-03, en ligne le 1er juin 2019.
- Babin, J. & Lasserre, F. (2019). Asian states at the Arctic Council: perceptions in Western States. Polar Geography, 42(3), 145-159, doi: 10.1080/1088937X.2019.1578290
- Têtu, P.-L.; Lasserre, F. ; S. Pelletier & J. Dawson (2019). ‘Sovereignty’ over submerged cultural heritage in the Canadian Arctic waters: case study from the Franklin expedition wrecks (1845-48). Polar Geography, 42(2), 71-88, doi: 10.1080/1088937X.2019.1578288
Research interests
- Geopolitical aspects of the Canadian Arctic and climate change
- Security in Asia
- Strategic water management issues