Manuel J. Rodriguez is a full professor at École supérieure d’aménagement du territoire et de développement régional (ESAD, Graduate School of Land Management and Regional Planning) at the Faculty of Planning, Architecture, Art and Design. He is the Industrial Research Chair in Management and Surveillance of Drinking Water Quality from the Watershed to the Citizen’s Tap at Université Laval (CREPUL).
He teaches environmental studies. He is a regular member of the Centre for Research in Regional Planning and Development (CRAD) His research focuses on the management of drinking water quality, using an integrated approach from the watershed to the consumer’s tap.
Recent publications:
- Cyr-Gagnon J., Rodriguez M.J. (2020). Optimizing data management for municipal source water protection. Land Use Policy (In press).
- Delpla I., Proulx F., Rodriguez M.J. (2020). A methodology to prioritize spatio-temporal monitoring of drinking water quality considering population vulnerability, Journal of Environmental Management, 65, 109869.
- Cool G., Delpla I., Gagnon P., Lebel A., Sadiq R., Rodriguez M.J. (2019) Climate change and drinking water quality: Predicting high trihalomethane occurrence in water utilities supplied by surface water, Environmental Modelling & Software, 120, 104479.
- Peña C., Ulloa S., Mora K., Bustos R., Lopez E., Alvarez J., Rodriguez M.J. (2019). Emerging pollutants in the urban water cycle in Latin America: A review of the current literature. Journal of Environmental Management, 237: 408-423.
- Behmel S., Damour M., Ludwig R., Rodriguez M.J. (2018). Participative approach to elicit water quality monitoring needs from stakeholder groups – An application of integrated watershed management. Journal of Environmental Management, 218: 540-554.
Research interests
- Drinking water
- Water quality
- Urban distribution networks
- Water source protection
- Water governance