Pamela Colombo
Regular member of ESEI
Pamela Colombo is an assistant professor at the Department of Sociology at Université Laval. She holds a doctorate in sociology from the Université du Pays Basque and she has worked as a Marie Sk-Curie researcher at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (IRIS-EHESS, Paris, France). Her research addresses the links between the State, counterinsurgency policies and development programs.
In recent years, she has explored the case of counterinsurgency struggles in Latin America from the construction of “strategic villages” (1970-1980). She has published a book entitled Espacios de Desparición. Vivir e imaginar los lugares de la violencia estatal (Tucumán, 1975-1983) (Miño y Dávila, 2017) and co-edited the publication entitled Space and the Memories of Violence. Landscapes of Erasure, Disappearance and Exception (Palgrave Macmillan, 2014).
Research interests
- Latin America
- Military dictatorships
- Genocide and mass violence
- Military counterinsurgency programs
- State violence