Our external partners
Our sincerest thanks to all our external partners.
We are very grateful to our external partners for their loyalty and contributions to the development of international studies in Québec City.
Government partners
The Government of Québec and the Government of Canada have supported our activities for a number of years through various government departments.
Main partner: Ministère des Relations internationales et de la Francophonie (MRIF), Government of Québec
Major partners: Global Affairs Canada, Ministère de l'Énergie et Ressources naturelles du Québec, and National Defence Canada
The following organizations have provided our master’s students with internship opportunities in recent years.
List of partners who offer internships
- Global Affairs Canada
- African Refugee Development Center
- Moroccan Development and Investment Agency (AMDI)
- Academic Agency of La Francophonie (AUF)
- Embassy of Canada in Washington
- Embassy of Canada to Chili
- Embassy of Canada to Argentina
- Embassy of Canada to Myanmar
- Québec Government Office in Berlin
- National Assembly of Québec
- Parliamentary Assembly of La Francophonie
- Ayni Desarrollo
- Canadian Bureau for International Education
- Québec Government Office in Washington
- International Bureau for Children’s Rights
- Crossroads International
- Centre de services partagés du Québec
- Centre de solidarité internationale du Saguenay–Lac-St-Jean
- Raoul-Dandurand Chair
- Metropolitan Montréal Chamber of Commerce
- International Criminal and Humanitarian Law Clinic, Université Laval
- Coalition for the International Criminal Court
- Collège Montmorency
- Commission of the West African Economic and Monetary Union
- Council of Europe
- U.S. Consulate General in Montreal
- Joint Delegation of Canada to NATO
- European Delegation to the UN
- Québec Government Office in Munich
- Québec Government Office in Mexico City
- Environment Canada
- FEM International
- Jean-Charles Bonenfant Foundation of the National Assembly of Québec
- United Nations Fund for Democracy
- Fundacion de Estudios Municipales de Lanus
- GardaWorld
- Bahia Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology
- Islands First
- Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture
- Le CAMP - Incubator - Accelerator
- Ministère des Relations internationales et de la Francophonie (MRIF) du Québec
- Ministère des Transports du Québec
- Ministère des Ressources naturelles du Québec
- Ministère du développement économique, de l’innovation et de l’exportation – Fonds d’équipement et infrastructures.
- Permanent Mission of Canada to the Organization of American States
- United Nations
- Observatory on the Middle East and North Africa
- World Health Organization
- Québec International
- Public Safety Canada
- Senate of Canada - Office of Senator Joseph A. Day
- The Takshashila Institution
- Virlanie Foundation
- Washington Centre
- World Wind Energy Association
Partners that offer student scholarships
We would like to thank the individuals and organizations that provide generous scholarships to reward our students’ work or support their internships abroad.
List of our partners who offer scholarships
- Claude Chapdelaine, in collaboration with Association des anciens délégués du Québec (AADQ)
- Jean-François Malenfant
- Ministère des Relations internationales et de la Francophonie (MRIF)
- Société des relations internationales du Québec (SORIQ)
- Fonds des diplômés et amis
- Chaire d’études maghrébines
- Association des membres de la Légion d’Honneur de Québec
Universities with which we organize student exchanges
Our master’s students in International Relations can spend a semester at a foreign university, and we host exchange students in return.
List of universities with which we organize student exchanges
- China Foreign Affairs University, Beijing, China
- Linköping Universitet, Linköping, Sweden
- LUISS, Italy
- Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Instituto de Ciencia Política, Santiago, Chile
- Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima, Peru
- Sciences Po Bordeaux
- Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Instituto de relaciones internacionales, La Plata, Argentina
- Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil
- Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris III, France
- Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
- Universitet i Oslo, Faculty of Political Science, Oslo, Norway
- University of Turku, Finland
Partners that support our international schools
These intensive programs are supported by a number of external partnerships that enable us to invite international speakers and offer travel scholarships to participants.
List of partners that support our international schools
- Global Affairs Canada
- Centre de la Francophonie des Amériques
- Centre de Recherche et de Documentation Européennes et Internationales
- Communications Security Establishment Canada
- Consulate General of France in Québec City
- National Defence Canada
- Enbridge
- Gaz Métro
- Innergex
- Institut de la francophonie pour le développement durable (IFDD)
- Les offices jeunesse internationaux du Québec (LOJIQ)
- McCarthy Tétrault
- French region of Aquitaine
- Canadian Intergovernmental Affairs Secretariat
- Public Safety Canada
- Canadian Security and Intelligence Service (CSIS)
- Sciences Po Bordeaux
- The School of Public Policy, University of Calgary
- TransCanada
- European Union
- Campus Saint Jean, University of Alberta
- University of Bordeaux
- Valero
Main event partners
These partners help us organize major events or support us by recording the events or providing sponsorships.
Forum St-Laurent
- Cable Public Affairs Channel (CPAC)
- Le Devoir
- Librairie Laliberté
- Savoir Média
Rencontre Université-Défense
Other scholarly activities
- Coop Zone
- Québec International