Research units
ESEI boasts a solid team of researchers recognized for their expertise in international security, economic law, sustainable development, European integration, the Americas, international trade, and more. They take active part in some dozen multidisciplinary research groups and, in addition to their media appearances, contribute to a comprehensive program of scientific activities and publications.
Find out more about our research groups and centres
- CEI - Centre d’études interaméricaines (Inter-American Studies Centre)
- CIRAM - Centre interdisciplinaire de recherche sur l’Afrique et le Moyen-Orient (Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Africa and the Middle East)
- CSI - Centre sur la sécurité internationale (Centre on International security)
- Cercle Europe
- Chaire d’études maghrébines (Chair on Maghreb Studies)
- CQEG - Conseil québécois d’études géopolitiques (Québec Council on Geopolitical Studies)
- FORAGE - Forum d’analyses géopolitiques des ressources naturelles (Forum for Geopolitical Analyses of Natural Resources)
- GERAC - Groupe d’études et de recherche sur l’Asie contemporaine (Study and Research Group on Contemporary Asia)