Chaire d’études maghrébines (Chair in Maghreb Studies)

Chairholder: Francesco Cavatorta, Department of Political Science

The chairholder, Francesco Cavatorta, performs all of his postsecondary teaching, research, publishing, and other activities in this area of specialization. He takes a keen interest in contemporary issues of strategic and geopolitical importance to the Maghreb: water, sustainable development, agri-food, international affairs, and international peace and security. Further perspective is provided by linking these to developments in the Euro-Mediterranean and North American spheres—especially Québec and Canada, with which cooperation and trade are expanding rapidly.  This two-way perspective marks the originality of the Chair’s approach and is key to meeting the needs and expectations of numerous actors and an increasingly diversified clientele.

    Chair scholarships

    The Chair also awards scholarships to ESEI students who have produced outstanding academic work on the Maghreb (more information to come).

    Symposia organized by the Chair

    Activities the Chair supports

    • The Chair was instrumental in organizing the seminar on the Maghreb prepared and presented by Fabio Merone and Francesco Cavatorta: Enjeux de sécurité en Afrique du Nord (Security issues in North Africa) (Winter 2015).
    • A number of CIRAM activities on Islam benefit from the Chair’s visibility.

    Contact Information

    École supérieure d’études internationales 
    Pavillon Charles-De Koninck 
    Université Laval
    1030, avenue des Sciences-Humaines, bureau 5458 
    Québec, Québec  G1V 0A6


    Francesco Cavatorta