Forms and useful documents
Below is a list of files you will need during your studies at ESEI.
Form common to all our programs (in French only)
- ESEI-200 Extension Request(PDF, 40 KB)
Forms common to the master’s and doctoral programs (in French only)
- Scholarship Payment Request Form (PDF, 240 KB)
- Budget template for scholarship application (Excel, 11 K0)
- 300 Permission to Register for the “Sujet spécial” Course (PDF, 52 Kb)
- 301 Permission to Register for a Special Topic (Simulation) (PDF, 70 KB)
- 400 Permission to write in a language other than French (PDF, 90 KB)
- Graduate Student Supervision Policy (PDF, 160 Ko)
Forms and documents specific to the master’s program (in French only unless otherwise specified)
Course-based master’s degree
- 601 Approval of Research Paper Topic (PDF, 130 KB)
- 602 Permission to Submit Research Paper (PDF, 180 KB)
- 621 Research Paper Evaluation (PDF, 150 KB)
- Research Paper Supervision Guide (PDF, 180 KB)
- Research Paper Writing Standards for the Master’s Degree in International Studies (PDF, 250 KB)
- Internship Program Guide (PDF, 160 KB)
- Guide to writing Internship Reports (PDF, 310 KB[) [3 [
- Mandat et rapport d’évaluation du stage (Excel, 50 KB)
- Internship Mandate and Evaluation Report (Excel, 50 KB) (in English)
- Application to the Joint Degree Program with Sciences Po Bordeaux (on the International Office website)
- 6912 –Approval of Joint Degree Research Paper Topic (PDF, 360 KB)
- 6913 –Permission to Submit a Research Paper for the Joint Degree (PDF, 440 KB)
- 6914 - Evaluation of Joint Degree Research Paper (PDF, 520 KB)
Research master’s degree
- 605 Permission to Register for the Research Workshop (PDF, 60 KB)
- 606 (Thesis Examiners Proposed by the Research Supervisor and Co-supervisor) (PDF, 400 KB)
- 625 Research Workshop Evaluation ( (PDF, 50 KB)
- (Thesis Supervision Guide (Under revision)
- Research Proposal Writing Standards (PDF, 30 KB)
- Graduate Student Supervision Policy: Master’s with Thesis Program (see link above in the list of documents common to the master’s and doctoral degrees)
Forms specific to the doctoral degree
- 801 Permission to Register for the Comprehensive Exam) (PDF, 100 KB)
- 802 Permission to Register for the Dissertation Proposal Exam(PDF, 60 KB)
- 803 Permission to register for Séminaire de doctorat I (PDF, 70 KB)
- 804 Permission to register for Séminaire de doctorat II ) (PDF, 70 KB)
- 805 Permission to register for Séminaire de doctorat III) (PDF, 70 KB)
- 806 Dissertation Examiners Proposed by the Research Supervisor and Co-supervisor (PDF, 340 KB)
- 821 Comprehensive Exam Evaluation(PDF, 130 KB)
- 822 Dissertation Proposal Exam Evaluation (PDF, 120 KB)
- 823 Evaluation of Séminaire de doctorat I (PDF, 60 KB)
- 824 Evaluation of Séminaire de doctorat II) (PDF, 70 KB)
- 825 Evaluation of Séminaire de doctorat III (PDF, 60 KB)
- Doctoral Student Supervision Policy (see above link in the list of documents common to the master’s and doctoral degrees)
Useful documents
- Language Skills Policy (PDF, 240 KB)
- General Information on the Master’s Degree Program and on the Doctoral Program (in French)