University exchange programs

As part of your studies, you can take a semester at a university abroad and receive financial support from Université Laval’s International Office. Three exchange programs are available: the International Profile Program, the Québec Student Exchange Program of Bureau de coopération interuniversitaire (BCI) , and the General Student Exchange Agreement Program (Programme Ententes  générales d’échanges d’étudiants).

Admission requirements for the university exchange programs

Summary of admission requirements: 

  • Be enrolled as a regular student in the course-based master’s program (research paper/internship) in International Studies  
  • Have completed your qualifying coursework and 12 program course credits prior to departure  
  • Have a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0 out of 4.33 at the time you apply and maintain it and until departure 
  • Satisfy the host university’s language criteria 

See ALL admission requirements on the International Office’s website

International Profile Program

This well-established program—unique to Université Laval—allows students to do part of their studies at an ESEI partner institution. Because conditions have been negotiated in advance, students are assured of top quality courses. What’s more, the program lets participants specialize in a specific area, depending on the host institution’s expertise. And because formal agreements have been signed between ESEI and participating institutions, administrative procedures are kept to a minimum. 

See the list of partner universities

Benefits of the program

  • You choose your courses from a list approved in advance by the program director and you receive your credits upon your return
  • You remain a full-time student and pay tuition fees at Université Laval  
  • You get a $3,000 scholarship (only Canadian citizens and permanent residents are eligible for the scholarship) 
  • You receive pre-departure training  
  • Your degree will include a reference to the International Profile  

Deadline for submitting your application

Candidates should apply as follows: 

  • In September for student exchanges starting the following semester  
  • In January for student exchanges starting the following academic year 

For more information, visit the International Office website

BCI Québec Student Exchange Program

This exchange program, created by Bureau de coopération interuniversitaire (BCI, formerly CREPUQ), offers study abroad opportunities at 450 BCI partner universities or university groups in 24 countries. 

Institutions attended in recent years by our students

Submitting your application: deadline

Calls for applications are issued once a year in January for exchanges that start the following academic year. For more details visit the International Office website

Getting ready

If you’re interested, it’s a good idea to meet with your program director several weeks before  the deadline to obtain personalized advice and develop a study plan that suits your specific needs and your program requirements. 

General student exchange agreement program (Programme Ententes générales d’échanges d’étudiants)

This exchange program allows UL students to do study abroad at a partner university other than those available through the International Profile or the BCI program.

Submitting your application: deadline

Candidates should apply as follows: 

  • September for exchanges starting the following semester  
  • January for exchanges starting in the fall semester 

For more information, visit the International Office website

Getting ready

If you’re interested in this program, you should contact the International Office to confirm the possibility of taking part in an exchange at the university of your choice and verify the number of spaces available.

It’s also a good idea to meet with the ESEI program director several weeks before the application deadline to develop a study plan that suits your specific needs and your program requirements.

For more information on exchange programs

Contact the academic coordinator at: