École internationale d’été sur les conflits et les interventions internationales (EN)

École d'été sur les conflits et interventions internationales

École internationale d’été sur les conflits et les interventions internationales is held in cooperation with Sciences Po Bordeaux Institut de recherche stratégique de l’École militaire (IRSEM) and Université de Bordeaux

Training objectives

At the end of the school, participants will be able to 

  • Define what is an armed conflict, from the perspective of at least three different disciplines
  • Define what is an international intervention, from the perspective of at least three disciplines
  • Explain the parameters that determine whether an armed conflict or military intervention will occur
  • Compare approaches to a specific crisis from the perspective of different disciplines
  • Discuss whether a military intervention is appropriate in a given crisis
  • Discuss the consequences of military intervention
  • Criticize analyses of violent situations

Brief description of the summer school


  • The summer school is a high level course that brings together some twenty experts who are either practitioners on the ground or university researchers.
  • It is a 3 credit course (ETI-7024) and can be taken in non-credit mode. 
  • The school is one of the courses that make up the Short Graduate Program in Diplomatic and Strategic Affairs. So you can start or continue the short program by attending this school.

When and where

  • 1 intensive week: 7 days (Sunday to Saturday)
  • In May or June at Université Laval or in France

For who

  • Graduate students  
  • Professionals from the public and broader public public sectors, as well as the private sector
  • Students who are finishing their undergraduate degree (60 credits completed) may be accepted under certain conditions.


  • Issues are addressed using a multidisciplinary approach: political science, law, economics, and other disciplines as required.
  • The educational format combines lectures, round tables or debates, workshops, seminars, simulations, field trips, and public networking events


  • International intervention, as well as non-intervention, are central to many controversies, as recently illustrated by the Russian intervention in Ukraine, NATO intervention in Libya, the French intervention in Ivory Coast, and the non-intervention of the West in Syria. 
  • Moreover, international intervention calls into question the concept of state sovereignty, one of the fundamental principles of the international legal order and international relations since the Treaties of Westphalia in 1648.  
  • To this extent, debates on international intervention provide an opportunity to understand the evolution of international law regarding non-international armed conflict and of the security issue in international relations at a time when security issues are becoming increasingly international and interdependent. 


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