Associate member of ESEI
Adjunct Professor, Political Science Department, Faculty of Social Sciences, Professor Emeritus
Recent publications:
- Gordon Mace et Nicolas Falomir, « Legislators and Regional Organizations: the Issue of Legitimacy », Latin American Policy, 10, 1, 2019, pp. 6-28.
- Gordon Mace et François Pértry, Guide d’élaboration d’un projet de recherche, 3e édition, Québec, Presses de l’Université Laval, 2017.
- Gordon Mace, Jean-Philippe Thérien, David Tussie et Olivier Dabène (dir.), Summits and Regional Governance, Abingdon & New York, Routledge, 2016.
- Gordon Mace, A.F. Cooper et Y.M.Shaw (dir.), Inter-American Cooperation at a Crossroads, Basingstoke & New York, 2011.
Research interests
- Inter-American cooperation
- Foreign policy and international relations
- Political science