Qualifying coursework

Students accepted into the master’s program in International Studies come from a variety of undergraduate programs and the qualifying courses have been selected to provide them with a common knowledge base. They provide students with a solid foundation for pursuing graduate training in international studies at UL

How it works

The qualifying courses have been chosen to ensure you have the knowledge foundation you need while at the same time allowing you start your master's program within a reasonable timeframe, regardless of your previous training.

Depending on your admissions file, the program director will ask you to take one or more qualifying courses.

To enter the master’s program:

  • You must successfully complete each qualifying course required by the program director with a minimum grade of C (2.0/4.33)
  • Your cumulative grade point average for the qualifying coursework must be at least 3.0/4.33

You will begin your qualifying coursework during your first semester with us and the qualifying courses must be taken first. Until these qualifying courses are completed, you cannot register for more than 2 courses in the master's program.

Course list

You may choose from a total of 6 qualifying courses in each of the 3 disciplines that comprise the pillars of the program—law, economics, and political science. 

DRT-1010 Introduction à l'étude du droit I et DRT-1011 Introduction à l'étude du droit II  (les 2 cours doivent être suivis à la même session)
DRT-1009 Droit international public général

ECN-1000 Principes de microéconomie OU GSF-1020 Économie de l’entreprise
ECN-1010 Principes de macroéconomie OU GSF-1010 Macroéconomie financière

Political Science
POL-1003 Démocraties et autoritarismes
POL-1005 Relations internationales et défis de la mondialisation


